Professor Eiselen discusses the phenomenon of standard terms, the problems that the inclusion of these terms brought, and the respective regime under the CISG. He also focuses on the CISG-AC Opinion no. 13, Inclusion of Standard Terms under CISG.
Professor Eiselen discusses the phenomenon of standard terms since their origin, the problems that the inclusion of these terms brought, and the respective regime under the CISG. He also focuses on the CISG-AC Opinion no. 13, Inclusion of Standard Terms under CISG.
Professor Butler explores the idea of using the international framework of human rights in the interpretation of the CISG. She particularly focuses on this approach in light of CISG Article 35.
Professor Raymond discusses the relevant business concepts of installment contracts in cross-border sales as they relate to the CISG. She focuses particularly on remedies in case of a break in a supply chain, as they are available under the CISG.