About the Albert H. Kritzer CISG Database
Established in the early 1990's at Pace Law, the CISG Database provides a comprehensive global collection of legal materials on the CISG.
- Copyright Notice
- CISG Database users: Invitation
- About Your CISG Database Account
- UCC v. CISG (2021)
- Recent Updates to CISG Database
(login required to see updates) - Pace CISG Survey
- Watch this introduction to the CISG database by Albert H. Kritzer, Read introductory remarks and the modern-day database

CISG Treaty Text and Legislative History

Cases on the CISG
Case Law Search (login required for access)
All cases have been updated and migrated to the new database as of January 21, 2021. The CISG case law database is being updated regularly.
China: Docket numbers, e.g., [CISG/1988/01], are Pace database docket nos., not CIETAC numbers.
- UNCITRAL Case Law Digest
- Yearbook of CISG Cases
- CISG Translation Network
- Add a Case or Award to the CISG Database

Scholarly Materials
- Introductions to the CISG
- Bibliography Search (login required for access) (Date search not currently available)
- Add Your Scholarly Work
- Collection of Scholarly Writing (archived Database)
- CISG Advisory Council Opinions

Legal Materials Organized by CISG Article
Annotated text pages, including:
- Case Law
- Legislative History
- Scholarly Writings
- UNIDROIT and PECL guiding principles

Applying the CISG
CISG Case Study [including INCOTERMS and US Law, such as FCPA]
UNCITRAL Taxonomy of legal issues related to the digital economy (2023)
UNCITRAL, HCCH and Unidroit "Legal Guide to Uniform Instruments" (2021)
Cross-border Contracting: How to draft and negotiate international commercial contracts (ITC Handbook) (2018)
- Guide for Managers and Counsel: Applying the CISG
- Guide for Managers and Counsel: Drafting CISG Contracts
- A Practical Guide to the CISG: Negotiations through Litigation
- International Contract Manual
About the CISG Database Website Re-Design
Please see the Guide to the New Pace-IICL CISG Database (April 2017). Importantly, as we continue to format our collection on this new Database, please revert to our archived Database for the full text of scholarly material as necessary.