IICL's Commitment to Online Dispute Resolution:
IICL's Commitment to Online Dispute Resolution:
Recognizing (1) that access to efficient, trustworthy and fair redress systems are necessary to facilitate and support domestic and cross-border economic growth, and (2) the creation of online dispute prevention, management and resolution systems (and supporting legal instruments) are a road to such access, the IICL has actively led and supported the field of online dispute resolution (ODR) via its involvement in several global initiatives:
- Co-organized conference with UNCITRAL and Penn State Dickinson School of Law: "A Fresh Look at Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and Global Ecommerce: Toward a Practical and Fair Redress System for the 21st Century Trader (2010). Conference brochure >>
- Co-organized ODR and Consumers Forum (2010)
- Presenter, GBDe 11th Annual General Assembly (Vikki Rogers)
- Pace-IICL Note to UNCITRAL on ODR
- NGO observer at UNCITRAL Working III on ODR
- Individual member of United States delegation for UNCITRAL Working Group III on ODR (Vikki Rogers)
- Co-chair, ABA Dispute Resolution Section Technology Committee (Vikki Rogers)
- Liaison, ABA Commission on the Future of Legal Services, ODR Working Group (Vikki Rogers)
- Editorial board member, International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution (Vikki Rogers)
- Editorial board member, Technology in International Arbitration (Vikki Rogers)
- Fellow, National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution (Vikki Rogers)
- Presenter, ODR 2013 and 2014 (Vikki Rogers)
- Co-organized ODR 2015
- Member, IMI ODR Task Force (Vikki Rogers)
- Online Resources for ODR
- Legal Tribune Online (in cooperation with Spiegel Online) article on ODR and developments at UNCITRAL (quoting Vikki Rogers, Director of IICL)
- Vikki Rogers, "Are We Meeting the Needs of Merchants and Consumers Looking to Buy and Sell Cross-Border? Thoughts on UNCITRAL's WG III on ODR"
- Louis Del Duca, Colin Rule and Vikki Rogers, "Designing a Global Consumer ODR System for Cross-Border Small Value - High Volume Claims - OAS Developments"
- Michael Erdle, "Will UNCITRAL Online Dispute Resolution Rules Work for Consumers?"
- Vikki Rogers, "Knitting the Security Blanket for New Market Opportunities – Establishing a Global Online Dispute Resolution System for Cross-Border Online Transactions for the Sale of Goods"
- Vikki Rogers, "Reflections on ODR 2015 in New York"