Professor Eiselen gives a brief overview of the constitution and work of the CISG Advisory Council.

Sieg Eiselen
Sieg Eiselen is a professor in Private Law at the University of South Africa, Pretoria. He lectures in general contract law, unjustified enrichment law, international trade law, and information technology law. He holds a doctorate of law in contract law from the University of Potchefstroom on the ‘The Control of Standard Terms of Contract’. He is an NRF rated researcher. He has been a member of the Johannesburg Bar since 1999 and a litigation practice in commercial law.
Professor Dr. Sieg Eiselen is co-author with Albert Kritzer of Pace Law School, New York, of the International Contact Manual Volumes IV and V– Commentary on the CISG; G Pienaar Unjustified Enrichment 3rd ed; Dana van der Merwe, Anneliese Roos and Tana Pistorius of Information Technology Law; Hutchison D & Pretorius CJ (eds) The Law of Contract 2nd ed (2012 OUP) and Scott J (ed) The Law of Commerce in South Africa 2nd ed (2103 OUP). He has published on general South African contract law, unjustified enrichment law, international trade law and harmonization, information technology law, private international law and consumer credit law.
He is the secretary of the CISG Advisory Council. He was the Rapporteur for CISG AC Opinion No 13 “The inclusion of standard terms under the CISG”. He is a member of the editorial board for the UNCITRAL CISG Digest. He is a member of the South African ministerial Electronic Commerce Advisory Council of the Minister of Trade and Industry. He serves as an adjudicator on the Appeals Board of the Wireless Application Service Providers Association (WASPA).
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For further information on the CISG Advisory Council and its opinions visit the CISG-AC website.