1999. Dimiourgia evropaikou dikeou polisis – Odigia 1999/44/EU, Simvasi tov Inomenon Ethnon ke Astikos Kodikas
[Creation of the European sales law – Directive 1999/44/EU, United Nations Convention and Civil Code]
Armenopoulos (Αρμ.) (=Thessaloniki Bar Review) (1999), p. 1660 et seq.
1998. Pedio Efarmogis tis Symvasis ton Inomenon Ethnon gia tis diethnis polisis kiniton pragmaton
[Scope of Application of the Vienna Convetion for the international sale of goods]
Dikeo Epihirisseon ke Eterion (ΔΕΕ) (Law of Enterprises and Companies) (1998),
p. 452 et seq.
1998. Diethnis symvasis poliseos proionton: I Sinthiki (Symvasi) ton Hnomenon Ethnon (Viennis) tou 1980 (Nomos 2532/1997)
[International conventions for the sale of goods: The Convention of the United Nations (Vienna) of 1980 (Law 2532/1997)]
Nomiko Vima (NoB) (Athens Bar Review) 46 (1998), pp. 432-436
1998. I metathesi tou kindinou symfona me ti symvasi tis Viennis gia ti Diethni Polisi Kiniton Pragmaton
[Transfer of Risk under the Vienna Convention for the International Sale of Goods]
SYNIGOROS (April-May 1998) 26
2000. I Simvasi tis Viennis opos erminevete apo ta dietitika dikastiria
[The Vienna Convention as interpreted by the arbitral tribunals]
Epitheorisi Emporikou Dikeou (ΕΕμπΔ) (= Commercial Law Review) (2000), pp. 1-62
2000. I kanones tou Diethnous Emporikou Epimelitiriou gia ti Diethni Emporiki Polisi (Incoterms 2000)
[The International Chamber of Commerce Rules for the International Commercial Sale (Incoterms 2000)]
Dikeo Epihiriseon ke Eterion (ΔΕΕ) (=Law of Enterprises and Companies) (2000), pp. 260-270
(note: although this article mainly deals with the Incoterms 2000, there are often comparative remarks in relation to the CISG)
2000. Apalagi apo tin efthini gia mi ekplirosi tis simvasis tis polisis sti Simvasi tis Viennis gia tis diethnis polisis kiniton [Discharge from liability for non-performance of the contract in the Vienna Convention for the international sale of goods] Epitheorisi Emborikou Dikeou (ΕΕμπΔ) (=Commercial Law Review) (2000), pp. 679-711
2000. To provlima tis epidikasis ke tou ypologismou tou epitokiou sti Simvasi tis Viennis
[The problem of calculation and award of interest in the Vienna Convention]
Kritiki Epitheorisi Nomikis Theorias ke Praxis (ΚριτΕ) (=Critical Review of Legal Theory and Practice) (2000/1), pp. 195-213
2001. I Arhes tis UNIDROIT gia tis diethnis emborikes simvasis: Isagogika stihia – Pedio Efarmogis – Zitimata Idiotikou Diethnous dikeou
[The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts – Scope of Application – Private International Law matters]
Kritiki Epitheorisi Nomikis Theorias ke Praxis (ΚριτΕ) (=Critical Review of Legal Theory and Practice) (2001/1) pp. 241-266 (note: although this article mainly deals with the UNIDROIT Principles, there is a part dealing with the interrelation between the Vienna Convention and the Principles)
1998. I enia tou elatomatos kata ta arthra 534 et seq. AK, to arthro 6 N. 2251/1994 gia tin prostasia ton katanaloton kai ta arthra 25 kai 35 § 1 tis Simvasis tis Vienis tou 1980 gia tis diethnis polisis emporevmaton
[The concept of defect in accordance with articles 534 et seq. of the Greek Civil Code, article 6 Consumer Protection Act Number 2251/1994 and articles 25 and 35 § 1 of the 1980 Vienna Convention for the international sale of goods],
Dikeo Epihiriseon ke Eterion (ΔΕΕ) (=Law of Enterprises and Companies) (1998), p. 1240 et seq.
KIANTOS Vassilios,
1997. Idiotiko dikaio tou diethnous emboriou
[Private Law of International Trade]
(2nd edition, Sakkoulas Thessaloniki Publications 1997) pp. 522-622
2000. Contract Law in summary
(2000, Sakkoulas Editions, Athens-Thessaloniki) pp. 56-67
KORNILAKIS Panagiotis / POULIADIS Athanasios / VALTOUDIS Anastasios
2001. I Simvassi tis Viennis gia tis Diethnis Polisis
[The Vienna Convention for the International Sale of Goods]
(2001, Sakkoulas, Athens-Thessaloniki) 82 pages
2000. I Symvasi ton Inomenon Ethnon gia tis Diethnis
Polisis kiniton pragmaton
[The UN-Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods]
(Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens 2000) 120 pages
2000. I Simvasi tis Viennis gia tis Diethnis Polisis
[The Vienna Convention for the International Sale of Goods]
(2000, A N Sakkoulas) 156 pages
1999. I dimiourgia tis CISG ke I symvivasmi tous opious ekfrazei
[The creation of the CISG and the represented compromises]
Kritiki Epitheorisi Nomikis Theorias ke Praxis (ΚριτΕ) (=Critical Review of Legal Theory and Practice) (1999/2), p. 119 et seq.
2000. Oriothetissi tou pediou efarmogis ton neon dikeon tis polissis (CISG, odigia 1999/44/EK) se shesi me to dikeio tis polissis tou AK.
[Defining the scope of application of the new laws of sale (CISG, directive 1999/44/EU) in relation to the law of sale in the Civil Code]
Dikeo Epihiriseon ke Eterion (ΔΕΕ) (=Law of Enterprises and Companies) (2000), p. 806 et seq.
1997 Siroi kanonon idiku kai genikou enochikou dikeou stin astiki efthini tu politi. Tomos I: Egiodosia kai metekplirosi. Dogmatiki kai dikeopolitiki theorisi me sygritiki synektimisi tu dikeu ton Symvaseon tis Chagis (ULIS) kai tis Viennis (CISG) gia ti diethni polisi kiniton pragmaton kai tis telikes eisigiseis tis epitropis gia tin anatheorisi tu germanikou dikaiou
[The Concurrence of Special and General Norms of the Civil Liability of the Seller. Vol. I: Warranty and Non-Performance - Doctrinal and Policy Analysis, including the Conventions on the International Sale of Goods Signed in the Hague (ULIS) and in Vienna (CISG) as well as the Final Report of the Commissions Charged with Reforming the German Law of Obligations]
(Thessaloniki - Sakkoulas) 1997), XIX 276 (relevant pages concerning the CISG, 84-127, 194-221, 245)
1998. I Symvasis ton Inomenon Ethnon gia ti diethni polisi kiniton kai to dikaio tou astikou kodikos: To rithmistiko protipo tis enopiisis ton simvatikon paravaseon
[The UN Convention on International Sale of Goods: Model for the unification of breach of contract provisions]
Episkopisi Emborikou Dikeou (ΕπισκΕμπΔ) (=Review of Commercial Law) (1998), p. 19 et seq.
1997. I ipo kirosi simvasi ton Inomenon Ethnon gia tis diethnis polisis kiniton kai to dikaio tou Astikou Kodika - Kenotomies epi simvatikon paravaseon
[The -pending ratification- UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods compared to the Greek Civil Code provisions: buyer's and seller's liability]
Nomiko Vima (ΝοΒ) (=Athens Bar Review) 45 (1997), 1085-1098
I metathesi toy kindinou kata ta arthra 66-70 tis symvaseos ton Inomenon Ethnon gia tis diethnis polisis kiniton pragmaton
[The Passing of Risk in accordance with articles 66-70 of the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods] Epitheorisi Emborikou Dikeou (ΕΕμπΔ) (= Commercial Law Review) (1998), pp. 509 - 529.
1999. To provlima tis sirois tis Efthinis jia pragmatika elattomata kata ti Symvasi tis Viennis (CISG) me to ethniko exosimvatiko dikaio
[The Problem of the Concurrence of the Liability for Defective Goods Under the Vienna Convention (CISG) with National Tort Law]
Armenopoulos (Αρμ.) (=Thessaloniki Bar Review) (1999), pp. 327-351.
VALTOUDIS Anastassios
1999. To dikaioma "metekplirosis" tou politi kata ti simvasi tis Viennis (CISG)
[The seller's right to cure according to the Vienna Convention: articles 37, 48 CISG],
Armenopoulos (Αρμ) (=Thessaloniki Bar Review) (1999), pp. 595-615.
1996. I Symvasi ton Inomenon Ethnon gia tis symvasis diethnous poliseos emborevmaton – Skepsis gia ti skopimotita proshoriseos tis Ellados
[The United Nations Convention for the international sale of goods contracts – Some thoughts on the necessity for the ratification of the Convention by Greece]
Kinodikion (Κοινοδίκιον) 2 (1996), pp. 21-42
WILL Michael R. / POULIADIS, Athanasios
1998. I paragrafi sti diethni polisi kiniton - Skepsis me aformi tin apofasi tu Efetiou Genevis tis 10.10.1997 (Chambre Civile de la Cour de Justice, 10.10.1997, ACJC/1230/1997)
[The Limitation Period for the International Sale of Goods - Comments on the Decision of the Geneva Court of Justice of 10 October 1997, ACJC/1230/1997]
Kritiki Episkopisi Nomikis Theorias ke Praxis (ΚριτΕ) (=Critical Review of Legal Theory and Practice) (2/1998), p. 125.
1995. I Symvasis tis Viennis peri Diethnous Poliseos Emporevmaton ke i prosfati shetiki nomologia
[The Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods and the recent case law],
Elliniki Epitheorisi Evropaikou Dikaiou (ΕΕΕυρΔ) (=Greek Review of European Law) (1995), pp. 561-576.
Dionysios P.
Flambouras - Last updated June 20, 2001