Professor Albert Kritzer (Pace Law School), Professor Mark Shulman (Pace Law School), and Kathleen Scanlon, Esq. (KMS Law Offices), will discuss the results of the Institute’s study of over 300 CIETAC arbitral awards on the CISG. >> More on podcast
>> More on CIETAC Arbitration Awards on CISG Database
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In a judgment rendered on 19 June 2009, the Supreme Court of Belgium ruled that economic hardship is covered by the notion of "impediment" under Art. 79 CISG. Another innovative approach taken by this court – which some may also question – is in the relief provided. To the extent hardship is said to qualify under Article 79, the sole remedy that article offers is relief from liability for damages. However, referring to Article 7 (reliance on general principles), the court ruled that "[u]nder these principles, as incorporated inter alia in the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, the party who invokes changed circumstances that fundamentally disturb the contractual balance ... is also entitled to claim the renegotiation of the contract."
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The ILP is a partnership between the MAA, the Pace Institute and UNCITRAL to assist UNCITRAL in preparing case abstracts for publication in UNCITRAL’s publication of Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (‘CLOUT’). Students and Associates participating in the program are recognized by UNCITRAL in the CLOUT publication.
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Christopher Kee gives a one hour lecture on presenting oral argument for international moot court competitions based on his book the "The Art of
Argument." Christopher Kee is a Senior Researcher and Co-author of the Global Sales Law Project, Universitat Basel. >> More
Monthly updates to the CISG database See for new case additions, translations, commentaries and seminar announcements. >> More |
Pace offers discerning students interested in international law a myriad of possibilities to gain practical experience, including its international externships abroad in public and private international law, LL.M in Comparative International Law, LL.M in Climate Change, moot court competitions, and study abroad programs (in Brazil and London). >> More |