Dr. Spagnolo explains the six black letter rules set out in the CISG Advisory Council Opinion no. 6 that deals with exclusion and limitation clauses under the CISG.

Lisa Spagnolo
Dr. Lisa Spagnolo [1] holds an LLB (1st class), B.Com and a Ph.D. Law focussing on the substantive and procedural efficiency of choices of law in international sales contracts, and on behavioral aspects of such choices, including interpretive influences upon such behavior.
She was awarded the Excellence in Innovation and External Collaboration Award for Law in 2013, and the Mollie Holman Medal in 2013 for her Ph.D. thesis. She previously won the Supreme Court Prize at Deakin University and practiced at a large law firm in the area of insolvency and banking law. Since joining the Monash Law Faculty [2], she has lectured in Property Law and Contracts at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, coached the Monash Vis Moot Team, and supervised a number of under and postgraduate theses.
Dr. Lisa Spagnolo has published in Australia and internationally, contributing articles to Journal of Private International Law, Vindobona Journal of International and Commercial Law, and the Temple International and Comparative Law Journal and book chapters published by Cambridge University Press and Eleven International Publishing at the Hague. In Australia, her works have been cited at the highest judicial level, and by the Federal Attorney General’s Department in the 2012 Discussion Paper on contract law reform in Australia, as well as internationally.
She was an expert advisor to the International Commercial Contracts Committee of the International Section, New York State Bar Association [3], and was recently commissioned to write a major report for the Korea Legislation Research Institute. Lisa is Fellow of the Institute of International Commercial Law, Pace University New York, a Rapporteur for the CISG Advisory Council, and has presented at conferences in Vienna, Toronto, Melbourne, Beijing, Wellington, Hong Kong, Florida, Brazil, Sydney, Philadelphia, and the UNCITRAL [4] Expert Group Meeting in Korea. She is presently working on a range of commercial law research projects.
A selection of Ms. Spagnolo's publications is available on SSRN website [5].
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