Professor Sono gives a brief overview of Article 3 and its application in practice.

Sono Hiroo
Sono Hiroo [1], LL.M., University of Michigan Law School, is Professor of Law at Hokkaido University [2], Japan. Before joining the faculty at Hokkaido University in 2004, he taught at Kanazawa University [3] (1994-1998) and Kyushu University [4] (1998-2004). His main fields of research interest lay in contract law (including consumer law) and international commercial law.
Professor Sono approaches these fields from the perspective of interaction between private ordering and the regulatory function of private law, and also from the perspective of globally or regionally coordinated developments in commercial law. Recently, he has been most active in the field of international commercial law, in particular, the CISG. He is a founding member of the CISG Advisory Council [5] (CISG-AC) since 2001.
From 2006 to 2008, he served as Counsellor, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice where he was responsible for Japan’s accession to the CISG. Since 2008 he serves as the Japanese delegate to UNCITRAL [6] Working Group VI (Security Interests).
At Hokkaido University, Professor SONO teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on Japanese Civil Law (including contracts, torts, obligations, property, and secured transactions) and International Commercial Law. He also holds seminars to prepare students for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot [7] competitions.
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